I am just returning back home, from a spiritual pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu, Tiruvannamalai, a sacred and holy mountain Arunachala, one of the five main Shiva places in India. The mountain is regarded as a physical embodiment of Lord Shiva. The Eternal Ocean of Grace, as referred to by Sri Ramana Maharshi, an Indian sage, who reviled the direct part of Self inquiry and awakened the mankind to the immense spiritual power of Holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual Heart of the World.
Being within the close proximity from the mountain, one retains spiritual vitamins that you can only obtain in the close distance from an awakened being. Not many people are using these rarest and purest vibrations to go deeper and obtain immortality. There are those who are just passing through, sightseeing, conducting so called spiritual rituals, as part of their daily routine. Yes, many have stayed and look for themselves and I can assure you, that the most important ingredient is, still, after hundreds of years, is immersing oneself in SATSANG. What is Satsang? In Sanskrit: the company of the Truth, is an audience with Satguru for the purpose of spiritual or yogis instruction. The “Sangha” is the gathering of the spiritual people, who are performing the good service or devotional activities.
I am just returning back home, from a spiritual pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu, Tiruvannamalai, a sacred and a Holy mountain Arunachala, one of the five main Shiva places in India. The mountain is regarded as a physical embodiment of Lord Shiva. The Eternal Ocean of Grace, as referred to, by Sri Ramana Maharshi, an Indian sage, who reviled the direct part of Self inquiry and awakened the mankind to the immense spiritual power of Holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual Heart of the World.
Being within the close proximity from the mountain, one retains spiritual vitamins that you can only obtain in the close distance from an awakened being. Not many people are using these rarest and purest vibrations to go deeper and obtain immortality. There are those who are just passing through, sightseeing, conducting so called spiritual rituals, as part of their daily routine. Yes, many have stayed and look for themselves and I can assure you, that the most important ingredient is, still, after hundreds of years, is immersing oneself in SATSANG. What is Satsang? In Sanskrit: “the company of the Truth”, is an audience with Satguru for the purpose of a spiritual or yogic instruction. The “Sangha” is the gathering of the spiritual people, who are performing the good service or devotional activities.
Let’s talk about what happens in SATSANG. Blessed are those, who are in this lifetime are called to experience SATSANG. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.
Despite many difficulties and seeming obstacles, everyone’s goal in life should be to reach the Truth. The mind is the only teacher and the enemy, understanding this, learning about the subtleties of how it works can lead oneself to a fast and a steady improvement on the path. This improvement will spread and grace all aspects of your worldly life, relationships, work etc, because the “I” is including everything, the Absolute Truth, unthatomaeble, ungraspable, the basis of all, from which the dynamic “I”, the way you are perceived in the world, the way you are unique in your own self, comes out and appears to be real. But it’s only a temporary version, changing with the views or opinions when your mind changes. Whatever convictions we used to have earlier in life, have changed with time, whether we want it or not, the thoughts, ideas we believed before may not be the thoughts we are trusting now. How can this be explained and investigated? By inquiringi the the nature of the mind. What is Mind? It is a bundle of thoughts, memories, associations, emotions, images, that are projected onto the pure screen and when identified with - believed to be one’s true identity. I am not my mind. Some of the hardest inner ideas about oneself to let go of - are called vasanas - deep seated root tendencies of the mind. We can achieve that by becoming more aware of them by inquiring, bringing awareness into the light, stop identifying with certain patterns of behaviour that are coming out from believing these tendencies. Making conscious efforts every day when the particular vasana arises ( sometimes it could be quite a painful memory, or unpleasant feeling or a thought that something is wrong with me etc then goes the mind’s interpretation of it, then followed by actions which keeps us from repeating the same mistakes again and again and the loop continues to be alive inside, until the pain of disappointment becomes so unbearable, that by the grace of God we look inside and if we are mature enough - we reflect and investigate ourselves and when the time is ripe - we notice - this particular feeling comes and goes, therefore I can not be it. That is the power of being the observer. Bringing awareness into the actions can neutralise those deep roots tendencies and with time of continuous conscious remembrance of our true nature, the SELF, the I AM, the pure awareness, their grip on the mind will loosen up, giving the breaths of true life’s meaning. Realising this Truth that I AM, is the complete and absolute freedom.
SATSANG and inquiring within with friends, can expedite in this process of evolution greatly and the master will appear in form for the one, who is truly sincere in his heart.
With the power of the true teacher Sat Guru ( the real one Guru, inside each and everyone’s heart) is the only inner experience that can point us in a right direction and get us confirmed inside the Heart ( spiritual heart, not the human organ, it is place in the middle of the chest). The SATSANG is an immense help for being seen fully for what we are not, and for what we truly are - The Self. The Self remains as the substratum underneath the wrong Self and one can only realise it and be it. Whereas the wrong self is the mind and its content. Only UNREAL can be perceived in the mind, as thoughts, emotions, feelings, preprogrammed reactions etc and when identified with it - create strong false inner convictions and patterns of behaviour that keeps us far away from the Truth of who we are. One should first become aware of the inner underlying conscious presence, that stays same and is unchanged at any given situation - in a form of a witness. The One who is seeing, the seer, is the Pure Self. The Self can not be seen or described, as it has no points of origination or qualities. And yet, it is who we all are. The Self is pure silence we can say, with being, being fully consumed by it without any thoughts or mental movements, as all the mind’s tendencies, emotions, associations, past and imaginary future - have been seen, meditated upon and inquired within and therefore declared as temporary and unreal and discarded with the Grace of the GURU (Guru Kripa). The Sangha in Sanskrit means the “company of the Holy). in this case the Holy is referred to a realised living master, is the group of earnest spiritual seekers, who are gathered around him/her in SATSANG to absorb the energy of the pure mind and it’s silence, that is emanating through the power of the spirit who is in sync and have been established as the part of the cosmic, universal HEART.
To me, the most precious achievement on this planet would, undoubtedly, to be totally happy, in complete contentment with my self, where is nothing more to accomplish, to do or to achieve. Being in the Self as the Self is the highest achievement.
Prioritising ones wellbeing in life, leads to a continuous mental, psychological, physical and spiritual benefits. If we live in a fast paced city rhythm, with more responsibilities then free time for self reflections and meditation - the world will become a mixture of pain, strife and short periods of numbness or forgetfulness of one`s true nature. When we are afraid of something - we are attracting more situations with similar vibrational frequency and the cycle goes on and on and on. There are variety of practices to move from the distorted, mis projected vibrations to a more stable higher states of reality perceptions in the waking state.
In this part 1, I will be speaking about one of the most traditional ancient practices called Tantra. Let’s start with a little detour in time. Tantra is a spiritual practice, rooted in an ancient Indian traditions, emphasising the interplay of energies associated with the Divine Masculine ( Shiva), and the Divine Feminine (Shakti). It focuses on transformation of consciousness through various techniques, including meditation, rituals and breathing exercises. Tantric practices are numerous, but mainly include working with the sound - mantra (sacred words and phrases), mudra (sacred hand gestures), with sight through visualisations and mandalas (diagrams of the universe), and through vital energies such as meditation and yoga.
Prioritising ones wellbeing in life, leads to a continuous mental, psychological, physical and spiritual benefits. If we live in a fast paced city rhythm, with more responsibilities then free time for self reflections and meditation - the world will become a mixture of pain, strife and short periods of numbness or forgetfulness of one
`s true nature. When we are afraid of something - we are attracting more situations with similar vibrational frequency and the cycle goes on and on and on. There are variety of practices to move from the distorted, mis projected vibrations to a more stable higher states of reality perceptions in the waking state.
In this part 1, I will be speaking about one of the most traditional ancient practices called Tantra. Let’s start with a little detour in time. Tantra is a spiritual practice, rooted in an ancient Indian traditions, emphasising the interplay of energies associated with the Divine Masculine ( Shiva), and the Divine Feminine (Shakti). It focuses on transformation of consciousness through various techniques, including meditation, rituals and breathing exercises. Tantric practices are numerous, but mainly include working with the sound - mantra (sacred words and phrases), mudra (sacred hand gestures), with sight through visualisations and mandalas (diagrams of the universe), and through vital energies such as meditation and yoga.
Key energies in Shivaism Tantra are:
Shiva energy - represents awareness, consciousness and the stillness of the mind. Its associated with the strength and the transcendental aspect of existence.
Shakthi energy - symbolises dynamic power, creativity and active force of life. It Encompasses emotions, desires and the material aspect of reality.
Union of energies - the ultimate goals to harmonise these energies within oneself, achieving enlightenment and spiritual awakening.
To stay in a continuous Tantra state, any spiritual aspirant, when he wakes up in the morning, should start chanting, work on the breaths and do a type of meditation that corresponds to a one`s temperament and past life inclinations. Practitioners often engage in rituals and meditative practices to channel these energies, fostering personal growth and a deeper connection to the Divine.
To stay present, as Patanjali* refers the practice, means making efforts to stay “there”. The meaning hidden behind the word “there”, refers to a higher goal and purpose in life, a permanent, unbroken stateless state of complete surrender and total awareness as ONE whole substance, that each and everyone is a part of, consciously or unconsciously. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.
Many lifetimes I have spent as a practising Buddhist. Tantra is an esoteric practice of Buddhism, leading to an opportunity for an individual reflection and deeper self awareness. Buddhism originated in India and predominantly believed that the universe we are witnessing is a manifestation of divine teachings, that seek to enlighten the human mind, in fun, liberating ways:
Kriya Tantra - the bliss of partners looking at each other, the Tantra of actions.
Charya Tantra - the bliss of smiling at each other, the Tantra of Observation.
Yoga Tantra - the bliss of hugging each other, the Tantra of yoga practice.
Annutarayoga - the bliss of being in union, the Tantra of sexual/sensual element.
Observing one`s mind practising a certain kind of Buddhist, Shivaism or Tibetan Tantra will lead us to the stillness of our thoughts, behavioural patterns and enrich the life within. Once the inner is stabilised, the outer (physical body) will follow. There are no, however, the right, correct paths for everybody. I, in my thirties, have dealt with so much family lineage changes, that included my main structural examples of life (mother and farther ) having left their physical bodies, that have changed my belief system from within and have left me almost without an identity. After meeting Sri Sathya Sai Baba in India, where my destiny have brought me to look for the better life understanding, many years I was identifying myself with the spiritual seeker. Later, the Advaita Vedanta, the non dual knowledge of the world appeared throughout Grace of the Master and taken over my mind`s qualities, having cleared my attachments to the birth place, country of origin and nationality make over, which would have remained as an obstacle for adopting new, liberating mechanism of life.
Better life understanding, has been emerging ever since.
My consciousness has byproducts, little diamonds of understanding from the Master`s feet - an artistic way of interacting with the energy body of the Universe, receiving and manifesting back into the world of form its main substratum - LOVE.
*Patanjali - was an author, mystic and a philosopher, he is believed to be a complier of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a classical Sanskrit work of ancient wisdom.
written with astrology reader, palmist and my amazing friend, Naveed Nasir www.aladdinartgallery.com
Thinking Process
As we are progressing on the path to the more stable states of mind - the most challenging part would be, undeniably, controlling the thinking process. Without it, or better to say with lesser insights into the nature of thinking, mind will behave like an autonomous mechanism, leaving us desperate and, often, in a negatives states. Selecting the thoughts that are working for us and not against, is almost same a selecting the right clothes, people or making the productive, right choices in our lives. Not all thoughts need to be paid attention to, what can help is developing awareness and mindfulness. Simplicity of being is to observe the rising thought and hold the attention on it, just looking at it, with almost childlike innocence. Simply understating that this thought form isn’t who I AM, as there’s a deeper seer in us that can acknowledge the appearance and disappearance of any thought, emotion or association and therefore, its not who I AM. Be still.
As we are progressing on the path to the more stable states of mind - the most challenging part would be, undeniably, controlling the thinking process. Without it, or better to say with lesser insights into the nature of thinking, mind will behave like an autonomous mechanism, leaving us desperate and, often, in a negative states. Selecting the thoughts that are working for us and not against, is almost same as selecting the right clothes, people or making the productive, right choices in our lives. Not all thoughts need to be paid attention to, what can help is developing awareness and mindfulness. Simplicity of being is to observe the rising thought and hold the attention on it, just looking at it, with almost childlike innocence. Simply understating that this thought form isn’t who I AM, as there’s a deeper seer in us that can acknowledge the appearance and disappearance of any thought, emotion or association and therefore, its not who I AM. Be still.
Techniques that might help with developing stillness in the mind, in my opinion should integrate the concepts of the every day life of the business owner, busy city life person, as only few of us have the privilege to be living at the feet of the living master. Manifesting the life that we want is purely the reflection of the thinking process, projected onto the life with love, gratitude, humility, adoration of our true nature - the spiritual heart, the awareness centre.
Make time for a meditation. Developing positive habits that are going to build the “spiritual muscle” which are necessary and imperative to reach the goal - stability in all spheres of life, physical, mental, spiritual. I would recommend a simple meditation, watching your breathing. Find a comfortable place, dim the lights, sit and allow yourself to not be in a rush, relax, watch the breaths, by focusing the attention in the middle of the chest. No need to do anything, what needs to be done - is undoing of all mental activities that has been going on during the day, not involving your mind to wander in the stories of the “projected past, or the uncertainty of the future” and simply be in a relaxed state. Easier said than done! Embodying stillness. So HAM. I AM That. Breath in - So, breath out - HAM. This mantra is extremely powerful, I AM THAT, which is beyond the mind, pure awareness. Morning time before sun rise, is the best time for the practicing it and sitting in silence, so when you start your daily activity, the state of tranquility will transfer onto it. The more you do it, the more your mind drops into the stillness, the better quality of life will slowly manifest itself..!
Reading spiritual literature. Being in the Satsang, sharing with the beings, who are progressing more on the path and eager to help others. Understanding the scriptures, in a meditative mode, clears doubts, enriches one’s souls, gives meaning to life, brings the mind into the state of “not knowing” the original state, the most desired state - natural Happiness. Whatever your religion or spiritual inclination is, there’s always something that elevates your spirit, fills your heart with love and devotion, so by giving it more of your time and energy, you will result in growing and deepening consciously. The universe will mirror back to you by manifesting an ideal circumstances for your spirit, body and mind to flourish. My prayer has always been: May All Beings in All the Universes Be Happy and Free! Remember, what your company is - that you will become. If your goal is to become a mindful being with a soft and a loving heart, who knows himself, elevates others, serves the Creation, practice with an open heart and see for yourself.
Singing mantras. On of the most powerful mantras in the world is Gayatri Mantra. This mantra has a tremendous protection power, it will guide you to be more in sync with the path of wisdom, it will give the mind clarity, it will enable higher intellectual energies, connecting you to the higher self. I personally use this mantra on any occasion if it feels my body/mind is in need of protection. Use some time to practice mantras and be steady on your evolution path.
I would say for those who are not on a spiritual path, singing mantras are similar to the positive affirmations. What is more important, is your training of the thinking process, becoming more aware and returning back to stillness. All roads lead to Rome. All spiritual practices lead to realisation of the Self. Om Namah Shivaya!
Having been on a spiritual path for more then a decade now, I can declare with a certain clarity that Happiness for me is a byproduct of the deepest seeing of my true nature, my spiritual heart, which includes everything and everyone. Happiness is who we are, its our birth right….its like, who would we be without thoughts, emotions, feelings, associations, reactions and projections, future or the past memories, just radiating in the Now. It is a safe sate of complete unconditional Love for Oneself and the rest of the Creation.
But what do we know about worldly meaning of this mostly desired and longed for state ?…. First, you know that you are happy, is by forgetting yourself… No fear is also contributes to the state of Happiness. During years of my spiritual understanding and deepening, I have discovered that there was a direct link between feeling happy and the state of the mind in the present moment. Why do we think something instead of just staying Present in the Now? That was and is the most difficult and at the same time hilariously simple solution for reaching eternal Happiness.
Having been on a spiritual path for more then a decade now, I can declare with a certain clarity that Happiness for me is a byproduct of the deepest seeing of my true nature, my spiritual heart, that includes everything and everyone. Happiness is who we are, its our birth right….its like, who would we be without thoughts, emotions, feelings, associations, reactions and projections, future or the past memories, just radiating in the Now. It is a safe sate of complete unconditional Love for Oneself and the rest of the Creation.
But what do we know about worldly meaning of this mostly desired and longed for state ?…. First, you know that you are happy, is by forgetting yourself… Having no fear is also contributing to the state of Happiness. During years of my spiritual understanding and deepening, I have discovered that there was a direct link between feeling happy and the state of the mind in the present moment. Why do we think something instead of just staying Present in the Now? That was and is the most difficult and at the same time hilariously simple solution for reaching eternal Happiness.
Mind needs to be examined and controlled - all those lower tendencies such as greed, hatred, violence, cruelty, shame, guilt. envy, jealousy etc, all which we are holding near and dear and alive, inside our carefully constructed private worlds, that we protect and cherish so much, all of these, we have to be looking at, without fear but with an open heart of a childlike innocent quest and curiosity. We also need to be compassionate, to ourselves first, and then start peeling off “the onion layers”of these unpleasant looking tendencies. How ? To wish for it with all of our hearts. To ask for it. To dedicate time for it. To connect with others who are considered to be our soul mentors. To surround ourselves with an enriching community, that supports self development and evolution of the spirit. But even if any of those life gifts are unavailable for us - no need to worry!!!!! No one who has been asking and praying sincerely - was ever turned down by God. Om Name Shivaya!
Pray and You shall receive. Simply stay aware.. Stay calm .. Observe without judgement.. Then look at the disturbing emotion, do not get involved with the thought stream or the mind interpretations, simply stay detached and see if it can bear the projector of a straight looking awareness. See it for what it is - a passing cloud… Fear will come, rage will come, anxiety will come, desperation will come… all these, are transitory and no matter how shaky we feel at those moments, staying detached from those emotions, by simply observing it, being calm, being aware of those energies in our bodies, without condemning or labelling, will do a tremendous job in making the state of Happiness permanent. The mind needs training, and like in any other exercise - the key is dedication, trust and consistency. Simple reminders daily, plus breathing techniques and meditation - will do a great deal of progress for those who are in the beginning of their journey to get themselves back, as a wholesome and free beings, who are happy to give and receive and for those who are already established in the awareness. Trust yourself and see the results. I`m going to write more about the tools that can help to digest conflicting emotions that holdings us back and which are not in service to our present moment, in my next article. May All of You receive the Grace that You need!
“Whenever we display bias and fanaticism towards our own religious beliefs or those of others, we embarrass ourselves. We should not insist that a person has to be bound to one attitude, or that everyone must abide by one interpretation or commentary only, to the exclusion of other possible explanations or points of view. Likewise, we should not insist that a certain way of life with all its implications has to be the one to be approved by some one individual or group.”
Interview given by Baba to a group of Jewish devotees in 1980, excerpts from “Sai Baba and The Religion of Love” by Boyan.
“Q. Why have the Jews suffered and been prosecuted throughout history?
Baba: Do you know why you are doing what you are doing? Are you aware of that every moment of the day? No. The reasons for that from God`s perspective are completely different from your understanding .
Q. Are Jewish people the chosen people ?
Baba: All Mankind is chosen. It is a gift to be born as a human. There are billions of souls waiting to be incarnated as humans. Only some chosen ones receive this opportunity.
“Whenever we display bias and fanaticism towards our own religious beliefs or those of others, we embarrass ourselves. We should not insist that a person has to be bound to one attitude, or that everyone must abide by one interpretation or commentary only, to the exclusion of other possible explanations or points of view. Likewise, we should not insist that a certain way of life with all its implications has to be the one to be approved by some one individual or group.”
Interview given by Baba to a group of Jewish devotees in 1980, excerpts from “Sai Baba and The Religion of Love” by Boyan.
“Q. Why have the Jews suffered and been prosecuted throughout history?
Baba: Do you know why you are doing what you are doing? Are you aware of that every moment of the day? No. The reasons for that from God`s perspective are completely different from your understanding .
Q. Are Jewish people the chosen people ?
Baba: All Mankind is chosen. It is a gift to be born as a human. There are billions of souls waiting to be incarnated as humans. Only some chosen ones receive this opportunity.
Q. What is the history of Jewish people?
Baba: There is no Jewish history. There is only history of God. I am neither a Himdu nor a Sikh, neither am I a Muslim, a Parsee, a Christian nor a Jew, I am more than that, I am above that. The Holy Bible was written many times over, often altered, translated and interpreted in many different ways, by many people in diverse lands, so no longer does it exist in its utterly pure, original form. The same applies to all other holy scriptures. Even though the Holy Bible is sacred, it has been disfigured to control people easier. There are only a handful of sacred scriptures left in their pure form.”
Baba told a different Israeli group in 2000: “Your mindset needs to change otherwise there won’t be peace, only pieces.”
What our thoughts are - so our life will take shape in the future. Unless the mind is at peace - there wont be peace in the world. Safety and security in the world depend on spreading the right way of thinking. Who are our friends and who are our enemies? Friends are our good thoughts, while bad thoughts follow us like a shadow. if our thoughts are pure, our life will become ideal. The mind is merely a bundle of thought. From thought comes action. Action bears fruits. So, thoughts are like seeds which at the end bear fruits of either happiness or misfortune. Therefore each person is responsible for his own fortune. Since the mind determines action, we must nourish positive thoughts. Even malicious men alter under influence of good and devout people.
The world that we live in today is a world lack of values and consumed by selfishness and the ever present threat of collective death by mutual annihilation. Wars, crime, terrorism, child abuse, poverty, corruption and politics, which serves its only purpose, epidemics and ecological disasters - all are criteria of the Kali Yuga Age (The Dark Age) in which the material world prevails over the spiritual. it’s important to know that disasters do not happen by itself, but by what Humankind created out of Humankind. That is why the spiritual quest is so crucial, because the process dismantles the egos from the Humankind and then resembles them back as a KIND HUMANS. When people learn about spirituality and raise to a higher level of awareness - it helps them to understand and live rooted in the principles of spiritual laws. Only then, they can begin to live righteously and work hard toward improving their circumstances. This reconnects people with nature and karmic law, and surpasses the endless circle of cause and affect, and, instead gives them the power to command the forces of nature. Sounds really great, isn’t` it …?
My personal wish and deepest desire, is to live in a society tolerant, open, and understanding, as it is the only way for the humankind to contribute their share to a world peace. But each and everyone must discover positive values within themselves first - in that way there will be peace, and no fear in diversity. The reality is, that we all are searching for one thing only in life - inner peace. Throughout history, lots of misfortunes and terrible events that has happened in the world - were taken place in the name of faiths and religious doctrines, and still are happening, as I am writing this piece. The body of our Beloved Planet has bled and bled, and collectively we are all participating in current events by not discriminating our thoughts and states of mind. If we feed our mental state with fears, greed, opposition and mistrust, instead of looking inside and meditating upon our own life, generating more positive attitudes towards ourselves, patience towards others - then we can not be possibly the change in the world we want to see in the future. When comparing human mind with the collective humankind mind, the body is only healthy when all organs function in harmony, and, so all cultures, traditions, and religions acknowledge each other and work together in attaining WORLD PEACE.
Let me start this piece about LOVE. I always really tried to comprehend this wonderful human emotion. What doesn’t it mean, to love somebody, in a worldly sense…? Slavic women have been conditioned since their childhood to live as if they don’t have any rights or say. Of course, it’s mainly applicable to the middle and low classes of society, and the times are now changing, also. In my family, for instance, my mother was the sole provider and therefore the head of our lineage.To love meant to give food, basically speaking. Also, I was conditioned since childhood, to live in hopes of marrying into a family, that would be in a class higher than ours. That’s what all girls were dreaming about, I was lead to believe, by my grand mother and my mother. Strangely, this has transfigured into my first marriage.
I believe now, that being with somebody is, first of all ,grace from God, given to both partners the chance to create, give and receive love, support and evolve, alone in togetherness. A rare match is with a spiritually mature partner that will also lead you on the path of liberation. For most men the word “love” however is primary associating with pleasure and physical gratification of the senses. I cannot deny that side of physical well~being and its pursuit that could be conscious or unconscious. In Italian language to love means “to want one’s good”. To say to somebody “I love you” is “I want your good”. This expression, in my opinion, is the best etymology of love in the human form. The cases love manifests itself in are diversified, as diversified as human situations. This is why the Greeks termed love according to the stages it resonates in: eros for sexual love, philia for friendship, and agape for universal love. Love in spiritual sense is our essence, the pure being, that we all are where it’s realised or not.
Let me start this piece about LOVE. I always really tried to comprehend this wonderful human emotion. What doesn’t it mean, to love somebody, in a worldly sense…? Slavic women have been conditioned since their childhood to live as if they don’t have any rights or say. Of course, it’s mainly applicable to the middle and low classes of society, and the times are now changing, also. In my family, for instance, my mother was the sole provider and therefore the head of our lineage.To love meant to give food, basically speaking. Also, I was conditioned since childhood, to live in hopes of marrying into a family, that would be in a class higher than ours. That’s what all girls were dreaming about, I was lead to believe, by my grand mother and my mother. Strangely, this has transfigured into my first marriage.
I believe now, that being with somebody is, first of all ,grace from God, given to both partners the chance to create, give and receive love, support and evolve, alone in togetherness. A rare match is with a spiritually mature partner that will also lead you on the path of liberation. For most men the word “love” however is primary associating with pleasure and physical gratification of the senses. I cannot deny that side of physical well~being and its pursuit that could be conscious or unconscious. In Italian language to love means “to want one’s good”. To say to somebody “I love you” is “I want your good”. This expression, in my opinion, is the best etymology of love in the human form. The cases love manifests itself in are diversified, as diversified as human situations. This is why the Greeks termed love according to the stages it resonates in: eros for sexual love, philia for friendship, and agape for universal love. Love in spiritual sense is our essence, the pure being, that we all are where it’s realised or not. My teacher Sai would start His divine talks by addressing the audience with “Embodiments Of Love” in Sanskrit language sounding like “Prema Swaroopas”, reminding gently everyone what is our true nature. And this is the highest expression of Love, we are all Divine beings, with Love being our sole nature. To realise one’s true nature, for me, is to find the purpose of this life. Love in that form is associated with the highest Truth. So, after being given love as a primitive way of survival, gradually progressing to a sharing love and then realising I AM love. This wonderful realisation starts with introducing into ones life spirituality and practices that will increase ones trust and believe in the true dweller of his heart.
My spiritual community was an immense gift to see how love in action can flourish and transcend everything that was not in service with my path. Beginning at the age of 27 my spiritual journey, I have realised what my master wanted to convey into my heart - I AM, a universal, immortal soul, I AM love itself. Given the general meaning of this word “love” many people, who are not on the spiritual path, may need to appreciate my master`s words by doing sadhana, in Sanskrit “spiritual practice”, reading spiritual literature and engaging in conversations with alike minds. However Meister Erkhart Tolle`s simple teachings indicate that staying still, observing the mind, not engaging in intellectualizing will decrease the thinking process into emptying the mind and being just aware. Confidence in ourselves that doesn’t mean relying on our heritage, intellect, beauty, eloquence, wealth and possessions, but instead meaning to love ourselves, as we begin to be more and more aware of who we are - expressions of the Divine. In this world too many people suffer from lack confidence and as a result are the victims of a series of unlucky circumstances, that keep on repeating that is due to lack of faith in the Divine, or to a mistaken confidence in human capacities.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba says “the first reason for that (failure), is not having faith in ourselves, born out of the conviction that we are embodiments of the Divine Self. The second reason: taking the Divinity in humanity as humanity only and getting lost in the pursuit of sense enjoyment”.
People in our life that we spent time with or having attraction to, like close family members, friends or somebody we just met and felt connection with, they can best enable us to face facets of ourselves that we still must explore. I have met a certain person recently, connection with whom was instant. Attraction indicates what is lacking in my makeup and needs to be integrated. Those qualities that I needed, sadly, I have not received from my family lineage nor from my experiential life. Digging into that pendulum more, I have uncovered the truth behind him and me: similar mind tendency to oppose the authority and fight against it, unconsciously. I also, became aware in deep meditation, that for me, this was a chance to offer peace to that same Divinity inside that person, and therefore release this tendency that no longer serves my evolution. Consciously I offer peace to you (I know if you read it, you’ll know it is you). Divinity in both of us will certainly find its ways into expressing itself and integrating the past events, according to our levels of spiritual evolution.
Om Namo Bhagavate Namaha!
Daily practices for good health as given by Bhagavan Sai Baba:
Instead of starting the day with tea or coffee, have some lukewarm glass of water with half a lemon or lime, its a good way to detoxify the system and maintain the PH balance of the stomach.
Few tulsi eaves on an empty stomach can keep most viruses ,bacteria and parasites from doing any damage to the body.
One tablespoon of sprouts in the morning will give one the edge to lead an active life.
A handful of wheat grass chewed in the morning has the effect of rejuvenating the body.
The sun is very important for our health.The simplest of all meditations involves the sun. Stare at the sun through your closed eyelids, then draw its radiance throughout your body. A few minutes a day will invigorate your being and improve your vision. This yogic exercise is a form of trataka (concentration exercise).
May All Beings in All Universes be Happy and Free!
The world is like a mirage, and as Shankara has said, it does not come from the Absolute, nor does it go any place. it is a creation of God, it is just a dream, nothing more then that. Eventually, we are going to have to face the situation, to ask ourselves, is this a dream, and if so, how can I awaken from it? I trust that each of you will try to do that, and get rid of all this suffering and misery, and achieve your destiny, which is to realize that there is no separation between you and GOD.
I know I AM THAT.
Swami said that there are two paths for self realisation: the path of devotion and the path of wisdom. I have always considered myself an intellectual so when I first arrived to Puttaparthi, I found it really hard to adopt to the devotional part of spirituality. Indian culture was my another obstacle. First recognition of the Reality has happened when I attended Satsangs, and, immediately without any prior knowledge, my heart knew I was Home. That’s how I got on the path of the wisdom. Swami says on the path of wisdom, the objective is to find the absolute truth. This path to liberation is completely independent of the world, not depending on the world, totally and completely independent. Independent of Him. He says if you approach the goal of self-realisation, even , God, Himself, disappears. For, if there is no son, where the need for the mother..?
The world is like a mirage, and as Shankara has said, it does not come from the Absolute, nor does it go any place. It is a creation of God, it is just a dream, nothing more then that. Eventually, we are going to have to face the situation, to ask ourselves, is this a dream, and if so, how can I awaken from it? I trust that each of you will try to do that, and get rid of all this suffering and misery, and achieve your destiny, which is to realize that there is no separation between you and GOD.
I know I AM THAT.
Swami said that there are two paths for self realisation: the path of devotion and the path of wisdom. I have always considered myself an intellectual so when I first arrived to Puttaparthi, I found it really hard to adopt to the devotional part of spirituality. Indian culture was my another obstacle. First recognition of the Reality has happened when I attended Satsangs, and, immediately without any prior knowledge, my heart knew I was Home. That’s how I got on the path of the wisdom. Swami says on the path of wisdom, the objective is to find the absolute truth. This path to liberation is completely independent of the world, not depending on the world, totally and completely independent. Independent of Him. He says if you approach the goal of self-realisation, even, God, Himself, disappears. For, if there is no son, where the need for the mother..?
Something very profound has started to happen in my mind, as it was dropping into the heart and gradually there was a deeper understanding of my current life events and slow pace acceptance mixed with detachment, as if, I was watching myself from outside of my body. I have never heard any spiritual teachings before in my life and nevertheless I was understanding every word spoken…This understanding came from within and merged with the words received during the satsangs half way. Beautiful flower of Truth has sprouted in my heart..How can I explain any of this?… How can this be my reality…? Grace of the GURU.
Neti Neti Neti. Not this, Not this, not This. I am not the body, not the senses, not the feelings, not the associations, not the thoughts, whatever is happening to the body - I know I am not this. Detachment. Observation. Not the doer of the action, not the owner of the thoughts, the witness. Simplicity of the the discovery, that I thought myself to be, not only false but also the root to all the misery and misfortune that the mind projects onto itself and while identified with the sense of I AM, creates a negative reality. Being unaware of such facts leaves one to a fully programmed reaction to the external circumstances. The only spiritual practice that is needed is not to react and observe the mind with detachment.
The Grace of the Guru have awakened a kundalini energy at the base of my spine and, suddenly there was a splash of ecstasy in everything I was seeing and everyone. I could sit for hours not knowing anything and still be full of joy.. The blank gaps between the thoughts have prolonged for days. The happiness that I was experiencing came from the purity of being untouched by the mind. The mind has started to detach slowly from the I am the doer concept, naturally, and began seeing itself as Love, Joy, and the cause of all manifestation. Many blissful years I spent just being. Not knowing anything. Trusting. Nourishing the love that I AM.
Swami emphasises if you can not “still” the mind, then practice doing it. The power is always there, if you lack the will for such discipline, engaging in selfless service for the benefit of the others would do a great deal. I think in the modern times that we live in, thinking about others and helping them, can develop the feelings of love and devotion, improve one`s character and give one a fulfilment, appreciativeness and humility. My way of merging with the devotional path was the direct experience of Myself, as an unfathomable, eternal and formless Being. The grace of the guru was behind it.
In my physical life I was not cared mostly, I lost my mother in my twenties, few years after my mom’s passing, my farther was gone. So were my grandparents. In my early thirties I became a single girl without any physical support. My belief in true love was God`s gift, that helped me through the times when I had to face the world on my own. True support, love and the sense of belonging, I received from my master. I can’t imagine to live like myself without His motherly and fatherly combined safe protection. Swami made me wish for everyone to be happy and free. My heart rejoices in huge gratitude and cherishes an unbelievable help that has been given to my life. I walk free and kissed by the God in my heart.
Many years back, my journey has begun. Thanks to a terrible circumstances which have lead me to seek solace, I came to meet my Master. Giving this section the name “WAHE GURU” my heart was sinking in deepest love and devotion. It means one of the names used for God, describing the Supreme Being as the universal, genderless being. In my youth I always believed that my home and mother will always be there to protect me and guide me in my life journey. Having lost my mother at the age of 25, while working at a high pace job abroad, my whole world has fallen apart, bringing my short lived professional achievements to an end. I fell apart.
Sai walked into my life and began my spiritual transformation. Haunted by the needs to be loved by a mother, my world has brought me to a Saint, an Indian awakened soul, Shiva Shakthi Ma, at the feet of the holy mountain of Arunachala. My heart was healed and bathed in her indescribable vibration of holy mother`s loving kindness and embrace. Many weeks have passed without a single word spoken and the deepening that was so necessary, finally graced my life.
Many years back, my journey has begun. Thanks to the terrible circumstances which have lead me to seek solace, I came to meet my Master. Giving this section the name “WAHE GURU” my heart was sinking in deepest love and devotion, each time skipping the beat after remembering my master. It means one of the names used for God, describing the Supreme Being as the universal, genderless being. In my youth I have always believed that my home and Mother will always be there to protect me and guide me in my life journey. Having lost my mother at the age of 25, while working at a high pace job abroad, my whole world has fallen apart, bringing my short lived professional achievements to an end. I felt grief, abandonment, everything has dimmed into darkness of fear of life of living alone in it.
Sai walked into my life and began my spiritual transformation. Haunted by the needs to be loved by a mother, my world has brought me to a Saint, an Indian awakened soul, Shiva Shakthi Ma, at the feet of the holy mountain of Arunachala. My heart was healed and bathed in her indescribable vibration of holy mother`s loving kindness and embrace. Many weeks have passed without a single word spoken and the deepening that was so necessary, finally graced my life.
Speaking of the importance of meeting the Saints and the Masters of this Kali Yuga (the age of darkness) is like being given a sip of fresh water after wandering in a desert for days. Thanks to a misery that have brought me to discovery of my SELF, many of you might need to be healed, nurtured and feel encouraged to start your own unique path. But my own life’s tragedy is not the only requirement for starting this amazing journey. Grace comes into your life unexpectedly, like a tornado and smashes all of your carefully constructed boxes! Being given a path of a non dualistic spiritual entry to the ultimate True Reality by my master, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, my home now - is where my body is. What it has given to me, You, my beloved friends, will discover in this weekly column.
Trying to describe the indescribable is not an easy task. Man becomes Divine. Loving kindness is the fragrance of this transformative act of Love, received from my master. Beliefs pilled off like onions, behaviors changed, tendencies of the mind were purified by the many longing years while I was living in India and the process continues until now. Millions of living beings were transformed by the life and undeniable sainthood of this master. Eternally grateful and ready to serve those who are passing through the difficulties in their worldly or spiritual paths, with loving kindness,
Natalia Omkara.