Many years back, my journey has begun. Thanks to the terrible circumstances which have lead me to seek solace, I came to meet my Master. Giving this section the name “WAHE GURU” my heart was sinking in deepest love and devotion, each time skipping the beat after remembering my master. It means one of the names used for God, describing the Supreme Being as the universal, genderless being. In my youth I have always believed that my home and Mother will always be there to protect me and guide me in my life journey. Having lost my mother at the age of 25, while working at a high pace job abroad, my whole world has fallen apart, bringing my short lived professional achievements to an end. I felt grief, abandonment, everything has dimmed into darkness of fear of life of living alone in it.
Sai walked into my life and began my spiritual transformation. Haunted by the needs to be loved by a mother, my world has brought me to a Saint, an Indian awakened soul, Shiva Shakthi Ma, at the feet of the holy mountain of Arunachala. My heart was healed and bathed in her indescribable vibration of holy mother`s loving kindness and embrace. Many weeks have passed without a single word spoken and the deepening that was so necessary, finally graced my life.
Speaking of the importance of meeting the Saints and the Masters of this Kali Yuga (the age of darkness) is like being given a sip of fresh water after wandering in a desert for days. Thanks to a misery that have brought me to discovery of my SELF, many of you might need to be healed, nurtured and feel encouraged to start your own unique path. But my own life’s tragedy is not the only requirement for starting this amazing journey. Grace comes into your life unexpectedly, like a tornado and smashes all of your carefully constructed boxes! Being given a path of a non dualistic spiritual entry to the ultimate True Reality by my master, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, my home now - is where my body is. What it has given to me, You, my beloved friends, will discover in this weekly column.
Trying to describe the indescribable is not an easy task. Man becomes Divine. Loving kindness is the fragrance of this transformative act of Love, received from my master. Beliefs pilled off like onions, behaviors changed, tendencies of the mind were purified by the many longing years while I was living in India and the process continues until now. Millions of living beings were transformed by the life and undeniable sainthood of this master. Eternally grateful and ready to serve those who are passing through the difficulties in their worldly or spiritual paths, with loving kindness,
Natalia Omkara.