Loving My Heart and Seeing it Expand
I am just returning back home, from a spiritual pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu, Tiruvannamalai, a sacred and holy mountain Arunachala, one of the five main Shiva places in India. The mountain is regarded as a physical embodiment of Lord Shiva. The Eternal Ocean of Grace, as referred to by Sri Ramana Maharshi, an Indian sage, who reviled the direct part of Self inquiry and awakened the mankind to the immense spiritual power of Holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual Heart of the World.
Being within the close proximity from the mountain, one retains spiritual vitamins that you can only obtain in the close distance from an awakened being. Not many people are using these rarest and purest vibrations to go deeper and obtain immortality. There are those who are just passing through, sightseeing, conducting so called spiritual rituals, as part of their daily routine. Yes, many have stayed and look for themselves and I can assure you, that the most important ingredient is, still, after hundreds of years, is immersing oneself in SATSANG. What is Satsang? In Sanskrit: the company of the Truth, is an audience with Satguru for the purpose of spiritual or yogis instruction. The “Sangha” is the gathering of the spiritual people, who are performing the good service or devotional activities.