Let me start this piece about LOVE. I always really tried to comprehend this wonderful human emotion. What doesn’t it mean, to love somebody, in a worldly sense…? Slavic women have been conditioned since their childhood to live as if they don’t have any rights or say. Of course, it’s mainly applicable to the middle and low classes of society, and the times are now changing, also. In my family, for instance, my mother was the sole provider and therefore the head of our lineage.To love meant to give food, basically speaking. Also, I was conditioned since childhood, to live in hopes of marrying into a family, that would be in a class higher than ours. That’s what all girls were dreaming about, I was lead to believe, by my grand mother and my mother. Strangely, this has transfigured into my first marriage.

         I believe now, that being with somebody is, first of all ,grace from God, given to both partners the chance to create, give and receive love, support and evolve, alone in togetherness. A rare match is with a spiritually mature partner that will also lead you on the path of liberation. For most men the word “love” however is primary associating with pleasure and physical gratification of the senses. I cannot deny that side of physical well~being and its pursuit that could be conscious or unconscious. In Italian language to love means “to want one’s good”. To say to somebody “I love you” is “I want your good”. This expression, in my opinion, is the best etymology of love in the human form. The cases love manifests itself in are diversified, as diversified as human situations. This is why the Greeks termed love according to the stages it resonates in: eros for sexual love, philia for friendship, and agape for universal love. Love in spiritual sense is our essence, the pure being, that we all are where it’s realised or not. My teacher Sai would start His divine talks by addressing the audience with “Embodiments Of Love” in Sanskrit language sounding like “Prema Swaroopas”, reminding gently everyone what is our true nature. And this is the highest expression of Love, we are all Divine beings, with Love being our sole nature. To realise one’s true nature, for me, is to find the purpose of this life. Love in that form is associated with the highest Truth. So, after being given love as a primitive way of survival, gradually progressing to a sharing love and then realising I AM love. This wonderful realisation starts with introducing into ones life spirituality and practices that will increase ones trust and believe in the true dweller of his heart.

     My spiritual community was an immense gift to see how love in action can flourish and transcend everything that was not in service with my path. Beginning at the age of 27 my spiritual journey, I have realised what my master wanted to convey into my heart - I AM, a universal, immortal soul, I AM love itself. Given the general meaning of this word “love” many people, who are not on the spiritual path, may need to appreciate my master`s words by doing sadhana, in Sanskrit “spiritual practice”, reading spiritual literature and engaging in conversations with alike minds. However Meister Erkhart Tolle`s simple teachings indicate that staying still, observing the mind, not engaging in intellectualizing will decrease the thinking process into emptying the mind and being just aware. Confidence in ourselves that doesn’t mean relying on our heritage, intellect, beauty, eloquence, wealth and possessions, but instead meaning to love ourselves, as we begin to be more and more aware of who we are - expressions of the Divine. In this world too many people suffer from lack confidence and as a result are the victims of a series of unlucky circumstances, that keep on repeating that is due to lack of faith in the Divine, or to a mistaken confidence in human capacities.

      Sri Sathya Sai Baba says “the first reason for that (failure), is not having faith in ourselves, born out of the conviction that we are embodiments of the Divine Self. The second reason: taking the Divinity in humanity as humanity only and getting lost in the pursuit of sense enjoyment”.

       People in our life that we spent time with or having attraction to, like close family members, friends or somebody we just met and felt connection with, they can best enable us to face facets of ourselves that we still must explore. I have met a certain person recently, connection with whom was instant. Attraction indicates what is lacking in my makeup and needs to be integrated. Those qualities that I needed, sadly, I have not received from my family lineage nor from my experiential life. Digging into that pendulum more, I have uncovered the truth behind him and me: similar mind tendency to oppose the authority and fight against it, unconsciously.  I also, became aware in deep meditation, that for me, this was a chance to offer peace to that same Divinity inside that person, and therefore release this tendency that no longer serves my evolution. Consciously I offer peace to you (I know if you read it, you’ll know it is you). Divinity in both of us will certainly find its ways into expressing itself and integrating the past events, according to our levels of spiritual evolution. 

Om Namo Bhagavate Namaha!

    Daily practices for good health as given by Bhagavan Sai Baba:

  1. Instead of starting the day with tea or coffee, have some lukewarm glass of water with half a lemon or lime, its a good way to detoxify the system and maintain the PH balance of the stomach.

  2. Few tulsi eaves on an empty stomach can keep most viruses ,bacteria and parasites from doing any damage to the body.

  3. One tablespoon of sprouts in the morning will give one the edge to lead an active life.

  4. A handful of wheat grass chewed in the morning has the effect of rejuvenating the body.

  5. The sun is very important for our health.The simplest of all meditations involves the sun. Stare at the sun through your closed eyelids, then draw its radiance throughout your body. A few minutes a day will invigorate your being and improve your vision. This yogic exercise is a form of trataka (concentration exercise).

    May All Beings in All Universes be Happy and Free!


