“Whenever we display bias and fanaticism towards our own religious beliefs or those of others, we embarrass ourselves. We should not insist that a person has to be bound to one attitude, or that everyone must abide by one interpretation or commentary only, to the exclusion of other possible explanations or points of view. Likewise, we should not insist that a certain way of life with all its implications has to be the one to be approved by some one individual or group.”
Interview given by Baba to a group of Jewish devotees in 1980, excerpts from “Sai Baba and The Religion of Love” by Boyan.
“Q. Why have the Jews suffered and been prosecuted throughout history?
Baba: Do you know why you are doing what you are doing? Are you aware of that every moment of the day? No. The reasons for that from God`s perspective are completely different from your understanding .
Q. Are Jewish people the chosen people ?
Baba: All Mankind is chosen. It is a gift to be born as a human. There are billions of souls waiting to be incarnated as humans. Only some chosen ones receive this opportunity.
Q. What is the history of Jewish people?
Baba: There is no Jewish history. There is only history of God. I am neither a Himdu nor a Sikh, neither am I a Muslim, a Parsee, a Christian nor a Jew, I am more than that, I am above that. The Holy Bible was written many times over, often altered, translated and interpreted in many different ways, by many people in diverse lands, so no longer does it exist in its utterly pure, original form. The same applies to all other holy scriptures. Even though the Holy Bible is sacred, it has been disfigured to control people easier. There are only a handful of sacred scriptures left in their pure form.”
Baba told a different Israeli group in 2000: “Your mindset needs to change otherwise there won’t be peace, only pieces.”
What our thoughts are - so our life will take shape in the future. Unless the mind is at peace - there wont be peace in the world. Safety and security in the world depend on spreading the right way of thinking. Who are our friends and who are our enemies? Friends are our good thoughts, while bad thoughts follow us like a shadow. if our thoughts are pure, our life will become ideal. The mind is merely a bundle of thought. From thought comes action. Action bears fruits. So, thoughts are like seeds which at the end bear fruits of either happiness or misfortune. Therefore each person is responsible for his own fortune. Since the mind determines action, we must nourish positive thoughts. Even malicious men alter under influence of good and devout people.
The world that we live in today is a world lack of values and consumed by selfishness and the ever present threat of collective death by mutual annihilation. Wars, crime, terrorism, child abuse, poverty, corruption and politics, which serves its only purpose, epidemics and ecological disasters - all are criteria of the Kali Yuga Age (The Dark Age) in which the material world prevails over the spiritual. it’s important to know that disasters do not happen by itself, but by what Humankind created out of Humankind. That is why the spiritual quest is so crucial, because the process dismantles the egos from the Humankind and then resembles them back as a KIND HUMANS. When people learn about spirituality and raise to a higher level of awareness - it helps them to understand and live rooted in the principles of spiritual laws. Only then, they can begin to live righteously and work hard toward improving their circumstances. This reconnects people with nature and karmic law, and surpasses the endless circle of cause and affect, and, instead gives them the power to command the forces of nature. Sounds really great, isn’t` it …?
My personal wish and deepest desire, is to live in a society tolerant, open, and understanding, as it is the only way for the humankind to contribute their share to a world peace. But each and everyone must discover positive values within themselves first - in that way there will be peace, and no fear in diversity. The reality is, that we all are searching for one thing only in life - inner peace. Throughout history, lots of misfortunes and terrible events that has happened in the world - were taken place in the name of faiths and religious doctrines, and still are happening, as I am writing this piece. The body of our Beloved Planet has bled and bled, and collectively we are all participating in current events by not discriminating our thoughts and states of mind. If we feed our mental state with fears, greed, opposition and mistrust, instead of looking inside and meditating upon our own life, generating more positive attitudes towards ourselves, patience towards others - then we can not be possibly the change in the world we want to see in the future. When comparing human mind with the collective humankind mind, the body is only healthy when all organs function in harmony, and, so all cultures, traditions, and religions acknowledge each other and work together in attaining WORLD PEACE.