Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was the greatest spiritual leader in India. He is recognised as an Avatar (incarnation of divinity). He was the Krishna Avatar of the Bhagavad Gita and before that the Rama Avatar, in the famed epic the Ramayana. In His last incarnation of the early decades of this century, He was Known throughout India as the saint Sai Baba of Shirdi. He was prophesied, that following this incarnation, He will be reborn once more in India, known as Prema Sai. 

He has not come to start a new religion, but to give us faith in ourselves and the God within us, to become better Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus or Jews and to “love our neighbour as ourselves. His Emblem carries the symbols of the five major religions the world as he has come to teach us unity in diversity. His teachings are simple enough for a child to understand and they can be found in any of all religions. Divine Memories of Sathya Sai Baba, by John S. Hislop.

Twenty - fourth November, 1926, was the descent of Krishna into the physical. A power infallible shall lead the thought, in earthly hearts kindle the Immortals Fire, even the multitude shall hear the voice!

I was not looking for a Teacher in my life, what brought me to meet Baba was a deep loss that I have experienced in my youth. When I was 25 years old, my dearest mother has suddenly passed away. At that time I was just trying to establish myself as a young professional in a foreign country. Originating from Russia, I got a very prestigious job in the UK, London. Life has fallen apart. My grief has got me to leave the UK to seek out the Love that I was missing from my Mother. Many weeks living in Nepal as an English Teacher, surrendering to a deep much needed solitude, I woke up one morning with a certain direction inside: leave for India soon. That’s how my healing journey, the journey of accepting life, which had grief and many difficulties has begun. But I needed more than my little private suffering to disappear - Man becomes Divine…That’s what I came for.



Shiva Shakti Ma


Sri Mooji Baba